Another straightened smile by Dr. Fryer! 👏 👏
I’d say that Shamar looks pretty pleased with his results, wouldn’t you?
😊 Shamar chose #PowerProxSixMonthBraces to fix his smile. With bonded brackets and wires, Shamar’s teeth went from crooked and crowded to straight and beautiful. Shamar isn’t afraid to show his smile anymore!
😃 Look at that confidence!
PowerProx Six Month Braces is one of Dr. Fryer’s many orthodontic options.
Are you interested in fixing your smile? Let’s find the right orthodontic option for you!
#digitaldentistry #powerproxsixmonthbraces #drfryer #smile #mayfieldheights #straightsmile #anotherhappypatient #smilesfordays 😃